When you share with those around you that you’re getting ready to follow your dream–change careers, start your own business, go back to school–don’t expect them to tell you to go for it. Instead, expect them to say negative things like, “Are you sure you know what you”re doing?” Or, “You’re taking an awfully big risk.” The reason for the negative comments is that nearly everyone fantacizes about one day following their dream, but very few people have the courage or drive to actually do it. When you admit that you have the courage to at least give it a try, you become a threat to them–if you succeed you’ll make them look bad. In addition, they interpret your disire to follow your dream as a negative judgement about what they are currently doing. As a result, their natural response is going to be negative and critical, so expect it. When confronted by such negative comments, simply dial them out and listen to your inner voice–the one that’s telling you to go for it!
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