Having fun at work suffers from an image problem; hence it gets no respect. It has come to imply that you’re goofing off or messing around instead of attending to the business at hand. Well, that’s simply not true. Fun acts functions as a turbocharger in that it releases energy in people that they didn’t even know they had. As a result, they’re able to work much harder than they normally would. In addition, when work becomes a source of enjoyment or pleasure, whatever you’re doing never gets old or boring which means people look forward to coming to work every day—even on Monday. On the other hand, when fun is restricted or prohibited at work, unhealthy and costly symptoms quickly appear—boredom and negativity set in, people become irritable and crabby and their energy level goes way down. As a result, people apply far less effort toward performing their jobs and productivity takes a big hit. The lesson here is that if there’s no fun at work, there can be no highly productivity workplace.