Kindness and Humor: The Keys To Navigating Difficult Economic Times

During these difficult economic times, we have stressors in the form of bad news coming at us from many directions.  As a result, people are likely to show up for work tense and on edge; ready to vent their frustration at the slightest provocation.  This can make for a very unpleasant work environment which amplifies the stress that we’re already feeling.  In order to keep this from happening, it’s important that we all make a special effort to be kind to all of our coworkers and interject some humor whenever we can.  A smile, a kind word or act and giving people a reason to laugh can quickly turn a tension filled workplace into a pleasant and productive one.  For example, last week my wife went to our garden and cut a bucket full of blue irises which she took to work.  At work she passed them out to her staff so they could have fresh flowers on their desks.  Every one of those people later told her that having those flowers on their desk made their day so much better.  Think of something you could do that would have a similar effect and then do it.

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