Why Not Make 2006 The Happiest Year Of Your Life?

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-I Want Your Success Stories-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder If you want to make 2006 the happiest year of your life, all you need to do is to follow the advice of Og Mandino: “Remember that true happiness lies within you.  Waste no time looking for…

Finding Your Passion

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-I Want Your Success Stories-Feedback From A Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder Recently, I’ve had a number of people ask me, “How do I find my passion–something I can truly get excited about?”  Each of these people had the idea that finding their passion was like walking through a…

Setbacks: Those Dark Clouds With Silver Linings

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-I Want Your Success Stories-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on My Weekly Reminder  Setbacks–those unfortunate events that impede our progress toward our goals–can be frustrating, as well as stressful and painful.  As unwelcome as they are, setbacks always have a silver lining because they force us to look at the…

Nice Managers Get The Best Results

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-I Want Your Success Stories-Feedback From a Subscriber-Pass it on-Travels My Weekly Reminder A number of years ago, a group of reseachers studied 16,000 coporate executives.  They found that the “high achievers” in the group tended to be every bit as concerned with people as they were with profits.  The…

Improving Your Effectiveness In Dealing With People

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on-Travels My Weekly Reminder Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, said many times, “Everyone has an invisible sign hanging around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important!’”  What Mary Kay meant was that people have a very strong…

Avoid Competitive Behavior

In This Issue –My Weekly Reminder-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on-Travels-Feedback From a Subsciber-Tuesdays With Ross My Weekly Reminder Competitive behavior–making yourself look good at the expense of those around you–is poor preparation if you expect to move up in an organization.  While stealing another person’s ideas or taking credit for someone else’s accomplishments…

The Surest Way To Gain Influence

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on-Book Update My Weekly Reminder Many people attempt to gain influence by calling attention to themselves–things they’ve accomplished, places they’ve been, things they own, people they know and so forth.  While such behavior comes quite naturally to most of us, it does little to…

The Real Meaning Of Touchy-Feely

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder.-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on-Travels My Weekly Reminder “Touchy-feely” is a condescending term used to put down management tools that openly focus on people and meeting their needs.  The connotation is that such tools are somehow grossly inferior to the more common hard-nosed managemen tools that use fear…

You Can Go to the Well As Often As You Want

In This Issue -My Weekly Reminder-I Want Your Success Stories-Pass it on -Travels My Reminder of the Week I’m sure you’ve all heard the old adage, “You can go to the well once too often.”  It means that you can only ask another person for favors so many times before you wear out your welcome. …